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First version of kmod released

First version of kmod released

[Kernel] Posted Dec 15, 2011 20:50 UTC (Thu) by jake

A new library libkmod and set of tools (kmod-*) for handling kernel modules has been announced. The idea is to give early boot tools, installers, udev, and others an easy way to query and control kernel modules via a library, rather than using modprobe. "In a recent Linux Desktop (and also several embedded systems) when computer is booting up, udev is responsible for checking available hardware, creating device nodes under /dev (or at least configuring their permissions) and loading kernel modules for the available hardware. In a kernel from a distribution it's pretty common to put most of the things as modules. Udev reads the /sys filesystem to check the available hardware and tries to load the necessary modules. This translates in hundreds of calls to the modprobe binary, and in several of them just to know the module is already loaded, or it's in-kernel. With libkmod it's possible for udev with a few lines of code to do all the job, benefiting from the configurations and indexes already opened and parsed." The project also provides work-alike programs for insmod, lsmod, rmmod, and an incomplete version of modprobe that use libkmod, with plans to complete the set. (Thanks to Luis Felipe Strano Moraes.)

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