View Profile domdom2323
Live as though it is your last day, but dream as though you are going to live forever. You think you're Elvis or something?

Age 33, Male

Student, PhD and ThD

Brookfield Community School

Chesterfield, UK

Joined on 5/20/07

Exp Points:
2,320 / 2,500
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.70 votes
Police Sergeant
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Latest News


Sorry about the long wait between posts. I've been busy with family life and my studies. 1st of all, I'm delighted to announce that I am to be a father again. Mira announced the news over the phone whilst I was at dinner in Devonshire Hall, almost causing me to choke on my shepherd's pie. Mira is currently on active duty with the Israeli Defence Force, location classified for security reasons so I'm in the dark on where she is or what she is doing (probably having fun knowing her). 2nd, Andromeda is to be educated in the manner of her late mother and receive a home tutor (some arguments did arise over this, but it was agreed that as her welfare was being dealt with in 2 countries, that the maternal side should have a say).3rd, Assassin's Creed fever has once again hit the house as Revelations release date comes ever closer. I've pre-ordered the game and the white version of the Encyclopedia. The Encyclopedia has cost me a grand total of $69.95 USD including shipping or around £43.00 in GBP.

I hope you all enjoyed Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night (if you're from the UK) and will enjoy Thanksgiving if you are a US or Canadian resident.

Recent Game Medals

16,735 Points

First Blood 100 Points

Reach 20 km in f.u.b.a.r.

Starry: Wasteland 10 Points

Get BRILLIANTS for the night missions 16-18

Brilliant: Wasteland 10 Points

Get BRILLIANTS for the day missions 16-18

Starry: The Coreland 10 Points

Get BRILLIANTS for the night missions 13-15

Brilliant: The Coreland 10 Points

Get BRILLIANTS for the day missions 13-15

Champion 50 Points

Get 100000 score!

Blast Power 25 Points

Get 100 breaker balls!

Pull Power 25 Points

Get 100 range balls!

Game Fan 10 Points

Play the game for 15 minutes!

Collector 10 Points

Get 500 balls!

Latest Shared Creations

Somme of the future

Added to maps for the Engineer Nov 13, 2011.

Watering Can

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 24, 2010.

Happy Hauntings 2010

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 24, 2010.

Baby Pumpkin has been hurt!

Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 24, 2010.


Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 24, 2010.